Sunday 25 March 2012

The unforgettable rendezvous

It is 22nd October, 2011. My semester exam ended today. It’s a bit surprising for me to account this because I’m not a guy who writes diary or even keeps well maintained record of things. But as it is said, a lot of things happen for the first time in your life. Heaven knows, if I would have been that organised, I would be prepared to crack even the JEE by now.
It is nearly quarter passed eight in the evening and as a habit now, we three jobless creatures that is I, Raj and Kunj are headed to Pratik’s(The fourth jobless creature among us ) building. To our dismay our fourth companion is not yet home and so we three alone set out for our usual Neelam Nagar tour.
We are walking past the Tarun Utkarsh ground and even amidst the evening chaos and crowd I can hear my two dear friends say: At your 9’o clock there’s a hot chick. No doubt they both are extremely talented in this field, god’s gift indeed. Because when it comes to girls, Raj’s and Kunj’s eyes are no less than high powered NASA telescopes!! [Pun intended] It’s not that I’m not a bird watcher [coz even if you are on a diet, it doesn’t mean that you can’t even look at the menu card ;-)] but then I’m not that skilled at it.
We three are about to cross the road, towards the fish market, when my eyes are blessed with a sight which is rather a rare treat: her.
Hey it’s her!” Raj says shaking my hand (Didn’t I tell that when it comes to girls my dear friends are really talented!)
I know it damned you idiot!! I want to scream in his ears but I don’t because for a moment after I see her I’m teleported to a magical world.
Umm... yeah... come on lets go.” I say a minute later
Abe pagal hai kya...?! Hum sab shorts me hai!” Kunj rebels back and I’m a bit confused now (not to mention that I’m in the shortest of the shorts).

Are yar...! Clothes are secondary thing dude. Were you born dressed up, huh? Let him go Kunj!" Baba Raj shares his gyan.

Yeah he has a point.” I say teaming up with Raj.

What the fuck point huh...?” Kunj questions me instantaneously. I don’t think he can ever speak a sentence without a single abusive word. I wish I can bet on it, surely I will be a millionaire!
I’m going in guys.” Saying so I turn around and start sprinting in her direction, wishing that I will spot her, wishing that she will be around and not yet gone....
I stop just behind her and after a moment of hesitation I finally call out her name. I can’t tell in words how wonderful it feels, just to spell that lovely name. Without a slightest doubt, she’s truly as beautiful and sublime as the literal meaning of her name [I won’t mention her name here coz I’m selfish enough to keep that joy only to myself].
She turns around with a little bit of surprise and a warm shy smile. There’s a wink in her eyes like the starlets in the night sky. Hell each time she does that my brain goes into multiple turmoils. For a moment I lose my touch with reality and just wonder whether it is a dream or actually I’m witnessing such a beautiful delight. No doubt if this continues any longer I will get a brain hammerage one day!
Where to...?” I ask her trying to breathe normally.
Home... class hota.” She says and I realize what a foolish question it was. She has her bag and is headed in the direction of her home, it is quite obvious! But however foolish it seemed I feel very much alive just to hear her soft pleasant voice. It’s a bit funny that I try to talk anything when in reality I can think of nothing.
You....?” She looks at me with a bit of a weird look for I’m dressed in the handsomest attire, that is black Spalding shorts, a lose tee-shirt and a pair of slippers. I think they hike my sex appeal, I want to tell her but I don’t.
Umm... Just taking a walk around...” Actually just searching you.... What else can I do?
She’s dressed in a black shirt and black jeans with her red bag on her back. She looks damned fabulous in complete black; well, she always does look fabulous in anything that she wears. It isn’t exaggeration but I feel that she makes the clothes look beautiful and not the opposite. Each time I meet her, she looks even more beautiful than the previous time. I feel somewhat like a fire ball within my chest as I look into her pearl black eyes. They do the magic every time. They are deep and enigmatic as a deep ocean, full of mysteries. I love the way her eye lids flutter, as she talks; making gestures with her lovely eyes. Her smile, that face, that pint redness on her milky fair cheeks, that cute dot like black birth mark, just below her lower lip, on the chin, these are the best thing in the world. Those long hairs are neatly pulled back in a single pony tail, as always. And now the world around seems shrunken away, the noise, the chaos, everything is worthless. It’s just that smile, those eyes, me and her.
How were your exams?” she asks as it takes a moment for me to absorb whatever she said.
Went well except Bio...I think I’m gonna flunk in it.”
Why do you ruin what could have been a lovely conversation by bringing in the equation of studies??
I want to ask her but as always I go silent in front of her, fumbling and struggling to find words. In past she has misunderstood this weakness of mine as fear or cowardness but I guess now she understands. It isn’t fear or cowardness. It’s something I can’t define. It’s something; I can never feel for any other woman on the earth except her; that’s all I know. And I think I’ve improved a lot with time ;-).
Your?” I ask as I’ve nothing else to say.
Didn’t go that well....” she says with a saddened crescent moon smile. I can’t see her sad, I wish I could find and hit the guy who sets her college’s papers.
We got cricket match with your college tomorrow.” Oh can I hold your hand?
You are playing?” There’s a tone of surprise in her voice as she knows I haven’t ever held a bat in my hand in my whole cricket career.
Uh yeah... Actually we don’t have players. So we’re picking up who ever possible.” Can I pull those soft cheeks?
Azad maidan CST...” Can I touch your nose?
Oh CST.” She says
And I’ve written a couple of articles, I would like you to read them and suggest improvements if any.” Can I hug you?
Can’t you wait for fifteen minutes or so?” Please can’t I be with you?
No. I’ve to go.” She grins (hell that’s something worth dying for) eyeing ahead in the direction of her home.
Alright bye, goodnight...”
Bye.” She says and smiles warmly. A split-second before she turns around our gaze meets in a spark and there in those glistening black eyes I see a different world. I feel as if she’s casting a spell over me. I want to hold the time forever, I want to spend a lifetime looking into them, just me and her and no one else. And in that instant I see a glow on her face, a soft blush as if the sun rays on the melting snow....

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